
Posts Tagged ‘germinate’

A meditation on the readings for the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time.


Stay the course, embrace your destiny!’ seems to be the cry of this parable, ‘For you are here to serve your God to the glory of Him who sent you!’

What a thought provoking reading and one that should sound alarm bells to those who procrastinate over the responsibilities attached to their eternal destiny!

The lesson from this parable has a lot to tell us, especially as we approach a time of good will and charity. Though there are many lessons to be had from this week’s Gospel, two for me are quite profound:

The first is to do with those who believe that attending church every week, is the sum total of their commitment, worse still are the ‘hatch, match and despatch followers – those who are only to be seen on high occasions and then claim the fullness of their duty! Yes, you recognise the gratuitous grace given to you but then you bury it to prevent it being lost. You can return that which was entrusted to you at the time of reckoning; but does the seed grow, germinate, and so produce fruit – No. How can that grace grow, allowing others to learn of your revelation – it does not and clearly, this is a problem! These are the one-talent servants. Those who would not risk their abilities but would rather use them to preserve their own good. Jesus tells us very clearly the deserts of these servants! Are you in this segment of Christ’s servants?

The second lesson has more to do with the talents you have rather than the direct graces that you receive, although I suppose in reality, they are two views on the same thing! Each of us has a talent for something, big or small and in the norm, you use that talent to provide for you and your family and I suppose, rather begrudgingly, sometimes the taxman! The church too has needs, big and small, ranging from service in the diaconate and teaching in RCIA to helping one of the sodalities in caring for the destitute and even just making a cup of tea for the parishioners after mass. Big or small, all are a contribution to the evangelisation of the Word.

So invest those talents, let the Word grow and when the time comes, good and faithful servant, you too can share in your Master’s joy! And what joy that will be!!

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